oquossoc lakeThe RFA will present the first “Music From The Lake” of the season featuring the Stratton Steel Band aboard the Oquossoc Lady on Mooselookmeguntic Lake on July 23rd.

The floating concert will stop at various private parties along the shore and end the evening with a special concert to be held at Bald Mt. Camps for the public at 7:45 PM.

Steel drums can produce great sounds and the proof can be seen and heard on Mooselookmeguntic Lake as the music of the Stratton Steel Band will resound across the lake.   Private parties will enjoy the thrill of live music at their beach.

Join us in this joint venture with our friends at Rangeley Lake Cruises and Bald Mt. Camps. Ticket ($12) are available at the Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce – 6 Park Road and at the door

bald mt camps logo 2         lake cruises